Monday, August 22, 2005


Amigos e amigas and friends,

Here is my dog, Nina. Bonitinha, naao eh?
Sorry for taking so long to post anything. My mother has return to Portugal. My studies and job have have kept me busy. Thank you to all of my friends in Lincoln, Ne, other States and countries. You all rock!It is been a hard month and also a very refreshing month in many ways. You all have been there for me, at every second and moment. I have had a fantastic time with some of you.
Lets keep drinking wine.


sleepybomb said...

what a cute puppy, (love the bandana). glad to see your back on the blog-sphere ... and yes i'll drink to that!

Blimunda said...

That's right, my friend
It is good to be here now. Nina say "Hi"
There is nothing like a good bottle of red wine...Amen brother

Unknown said...

Devias ter arranjado um cão, e não uma cadela. São muito mais espertos. :)

Blimunda said...

Como eh que eu poderia ter-me esquecido deste detalhe!!!Mas olha que ela faz chichi como um cao e tambem ladra como um cao.