Monday, October 10, 2005

Porque amo futebol....PORTUGAL

Photo of Nuno Gomez. After scoring the goal that put Portugal in the World Cup. It will be in Germany, this summer 2006.

The road trip with Miss Nina ( the dog) was very good. Saw along the way some coyotes, and deer. It was nice to be close to nature and in the middle of nowhere. It is a always a good sign that you are far away from civilization, when cell phones do not workIt was a goodtrip for the soul.

Portugal national team qualify for the world cup.(soccer).Angola also qualify for the first time. Life is good, when my two countries qualify for the world cup.

The only disappointment was:
My team -the New York Yankees, lost. It is was a sad night. After watching their last games and still had hopes.


musalia said...

não se pode ter tudo, Blimunda :).é assim a vida.
não sabia que eras angolana...
ainda bem que a viagem foi relaxante, nada como afastarmo-nos do barulho e dos ruídos (que nem sempre são os da cidade)para descansarmos a mente e a alma.


Blimunda said...

Sorrindo, pois eh. Sim, nasci em Angola e vive la ate 1987, muito depois da independencia.
Estou muito melhor..
beijinhos amigos