Monday, October 31, 2005

"A sad fix for a minor poet to be in!"

Here is a poem by Fernando Pessoa(Alvaro Campos).
Today, I also have a terrible cold....and I am a minor poet. My psychopathology class does not let me sleep and my body is getting weak. My DSM-IV-TR is a heavy book of mental disorders and on my back. Beautiful stuff, nonetheless. Granted I may lose myself later on when making diagnoses and assessements of real cases.

Nina(the dog) is the only one who keeps me straight in the world of the mental disorders. She is a good dog with many friends.
I will drink water and take care of this cold.
Ate amanha

Today have a terrible cold.
And everyone knows how terrible colds
Change the whole structure of the universe,
Making us sore at life,
Making us sneeze till we get metaphysical.
My day is wasted, full of blowing my nose,
My head aches vaguely.
A sad fix for a minor poet to be in!
Today I'm really a minor poet.
Whatever I was before was only wishful, and that's gone.
Fairy queen, good-bye, good-bye forever!
Your wings were sunbeams, and my feet are clay.
I'll never be well if I don't stretch out in bed.
I never was well unless if was stretched out across the
excuses un peu... What a terrible physical cold!
I need some truth and aspirin.
Alvaro de Campos Poetry from �Poems of Fernando Pessoa�

1 comment:

musalia said...

Pessoa é um dos meus poetas preferidos. Alberto Caeiro, o Mestre, gosto especialmente.

e gosto de ver-te de volta :)
beijocas, Bli.